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Company Overview

Plymouth Embroidery Studio is the home for personalized Work wear, school uniforms, fashion trends, headwear and more.


Page Speed
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Conversion Rate
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Time on Page
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Our goal was to focus on brand recognition and global exposure. We also needed to adapt their existing long-form content, optimize it for the new sites, organize it more clearly, and improve page speed.


Since the outdated site was a major challenge, we began this project by working on the UX design. Our web team focused their time on trying to get inside the mind of the visitor. Specifically on creating a simple, seamless, and enjoyable experience that would really speak to Plymouth’s target demographic. The idea was not just to deliver information quickly, but to tell a story that would resonate with customers and even make them smile.

  • UX/UI Design
  • Mobile-First Design
  • Web Development
  • Optimized for SEO


We accomplished the goals we set for this project, and then some. We increased page speed by 63% (from 15 seconds to 2.8 seconds). By improving the site’s UX design, we also increased conversion rates by 34% and time on page by 20%. Our conversion rate optimization strategies led to a 41% increase in conversions.