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Employment Agency

Company Overview

Supra Enterprises is an international recruitment agency specializing in providing skilled labor to global corporations.


increase in Website traffic
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Supra Enterprises initially approached Amaze Tech with the goal of enhancing their social media visibility. However, upon conducting a comprehensive analysis of their web analytics and business metrics, it became evident that their
marketing endeavors were facing challenges across various aspects. Consequently, we determined that addressing their audience's needs required more than just a social media strategy. Considering this, we embarked on the creation of an entirely new website, tailored to resonate with their target demographics and engineered for optimal conversion rates. Our rationale behind this approach was to ensure that our off-site efforts would seamlessly translate into on-site conversions.


The first step of this project was to develop our overall strategy. We had questions that needed to be addressed to be sure that we could design something effective. Who are the users of this site? How do they interact with websites
generally speaking? How can we be sure that this new site is usable? What kind of content is going to help these users get from the early stages of the conversion process to the end? In addressing these inquiries, we began by gathering data from the client's previous website, employing techniques like heat mapping and analytics. Additionally, we conducted research into their historical customer interactions and competitive landscape. This comprehensive approach allowed us to paint a clearer portrait of our prospective users and served as a valuable blueprint guiding our design process moving forward.

  • Data Analysis
  • Web Design
  • UX / UI
  • Web Development


Supra Enterprises saw an increase in qualified leads right away. After 12 months, Amaze Tech generated 439 marketing qualified leads (MQL) meaning an increase of 400%, organic traffic increased by 766% and revenue increased by 393%.